How to apply

  • Step 1: Explore and Discover
    Whether you found us through a web search or received a recommendation, we’re thrilled that you’ve discovered us. Take a moment to explore our website and gain a comprehensive understanding of what we offer. Learn how our program can help you elevate your musical skills and take your talent to the next level.
  • Step 2: Get in Touch
    Contact us by clicking HERE, calling, or using WhatsApp. Our dedicated staff will be delighted to provide you with more details about the program and arrange a Startcheck session. Startcheck is a simple assessment conducted by the head of each department to evaluate your current musical skills, and it’s free of charge.

  • Step 3: Startcheck and Consultation
    Attend a Startcheck session, where you will have the opportunity to showcase your musical abilities and engage in a discussion with the department head. This session will help us better understand your musical goals and ensure the right fit for your journey.

  • Step 4: Application Form
    If you pass the audition and interview, you will be sent an application form. Fill out the form with the necessary information and return it to us.

  • Step 5: Ready to Begin
    Once we receive your completed application form, you’re all set to embark on your musical journey with our professional program. Get ready to immerse yourself in an enriching and rewarding experience.

How to apply

  • Step 1: Explore and Discover
    Whether you found us through a web search or received a recommendation, we’re thrilled that you’ve discovered us. Take a moment to explore our website and gain a comprehensive understanding of what we offer. Learn how our program can help you elevate your musical skills and take your talent to the next level.
  • Step 2: Get in Touch
    Contact us by clicking HERE, calling, or using WhatsApp. Our dedicated staff will be delighted to provide you with more details about the program and arrange a Startcheck session. Startcheck is a simple assessment conducted by the head of each department to evaluate your current musical skills, and it’s free of charge.

  • Step 3: Startcheck and Consultation
    Attend a Startcheck session, where you will have the opportunity to showcase your musical abilities and engage in a discussion with the department head. This session will help us better understand your musical goals and ensure the right fit for your journey.

  • Step 4: Application Form
    If you pass the audition and interview, you will be sent an application form. Fill out the form with the necessary information and return it to us.

  • Step 5: Ready to Begin
    Once we receive your completed application form, you’re all set to embark on your musical journey with our professional program. Get ready to immerse yourself in an enriching and rewarding experience.


To fully engage in the program, basic requirements include being over 16 years old and having proficiency in both English and German. While the primary language of instruction is German, certain classes or sessions may be conducted in English, especially when taught by international instructors. For detailed information on specific instrument requirements, please choose your instrument.


To fully engage in the program, basic requirements include being over 16 years old and having proficiency in both English and German. While the primary language of instruction is German, certain classes or sessions may be conducted in English, especially when taught by international instructors. For detailed information on specific instrument requirements, please choose your instrument.

Price Tariff

Our price tariffs are designed to accommodate different preferences, offering varying levels of benefits. Whether you choose our affordable Online option, the comprehensive Basic package, or the premium Pro package, you can select the package that best aligns with your goals and aspirations.

Price Tariff

Our price tariffs are designed to accommodate different preferences, offering varying levels of benefits. Whether you choose our affordable Online option, the comprehensive Basic package, or the premium Pro package, you can select the package that best aligns with your goals and aspirations.

Innerhalb von zwei Wochen nach jedem Präsenzwochenende bieten wir dir eine tolle Gelegenheit, an interaktiven Webinaren mit deinem Dozenten teilzunehmen. Diese Webinare sind darauf ausgelegt, eine unterstützende Lernumgebung zu schaffen, in der du Konzepte weiter erforschen, tiefere Einblicke gewinnen und persönliche Anleitung erhalten kannst, um dein Verständnis und deinen Fortschritt sicherzustellen.

Unsere (sorgfältig gestalteter) Check-Up Liste dient als umfassende Checkliste für jeden Kurs. Er bietet dir eine strukturierte Roadmap mit spezifischen Übungen und Zielen, sodass du stets eine klare Richtung für dein Training und deine Verbesserung hast.

Als herausragender Absolvent unseres Programms erhältst du exklusiven Zugang zu fortlaufenden Online-Seminaren und Meisterklassen, selbst nachdem du erfolgreich deinen Abschluss gemacht hast. Dadurch kannst du dein Wissen weiter ausbauen und in Verbindung bleiben mit unserer lebendigen Gemeinschaft.

Ein ganzes Wochenende wird in einem hochmodernen Aufnahmestudio stattfinden, ausgestattet mit neuester branchenüblicher Technik und einem erfahrenen Toningenieur. Dieses intensive Erlebnis ermöglicht es dir, deine Musik in einer professionellen Umgebung aufzunehmen, deine Fähigkeiten zu verbessern und wertvolle Einblicke in die Welt der Musikproduktion zu erhalten.

Unser Streben nach Exzellenz spiegelt sich in unserem anspruchsvollen Lehrertraining-Programm wider. Angehende Lehrer an der Modern Music School werden an höchste Standards gehalten und müssen unser umfassendes Ausbildungsprogramm abschließen. Dieses enthält umfassende Online-Lektionen und zwei ganztägige Präsenzseminare in Aschaffenburg.

2 PB-Performance Exam-Credits: Hier erfährst du alles über die PB-Prüfungen:


September 2023 Entry

October 2024 Entry


September 2023 Entry

November 2022 Entry